Transformation of Adults as Transformational Learners


  • Mehmet Üçler İlik Güzelbahçe Halk Eğitimi Merkezi Kahramandere Mah Güzelbahçe, İzmir, Turkiye
  • Olga Pregl Vedoma Zavod za Razvoj Znanja in Podjetnistva, Selnica ob Muri 190 e 2215 Cersak, Slovenia
  • Nikola Polakova TopCoach s.r.o. Karpatske namestie 10A 831 06, Bratislava, Slovakia
  • Hanna Urbanovich EduVita Associazione Culturale Via Principi di Savoia, 16 73100 Lecce, Italy



adult education, Transformational Learning, Perspective Transformation, Experience, critical thinking, Adult Learning


Thesis. The aim of this study is to investigate at the ground level how transformational learning within the framework of adult education (andragogy) occurs in the lives of adults who experience this process. The research was designed as a qualitative study based on phenomenological approach and carried out with eight adult participants from Izmir-Turkey, Bratislava-Slovakia, Cersak-Slovenia and Lecce-Italy.

Concept. Transformational learning is a process that enables individuals to question their feelings, thoughts and frames of reference and to gain a new perspective as a result of these questions. The research examined the stages and conceptual framework of this process based on Mezirow's transformational learning theory. Semi-structured interviews with participants were aimed at understanding how this learning process was triggered and how it was experienced.

Results and Conclusion. According to findings adults went through a transformation process in line with the theoretical information obtained in the literature, experienced a dilemma before the transformation, gained a new perspective by criticizing the sources of feelings, thoughts and references they had in their previous lives, benefited from the experiences of people who went through this process, developed critical thinking skills, mostly made a plan, acquired new knowledge and skills, new roles according to their experiences, and it is understood that they have adopted a new worldview. The obtained data will contribute to the development of adult learning programs, the contribution of adult learning institutions to educational activities, researchers who will conduct research on adult learning and the literature in more detailed examination of transformational learning in adult learning.


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How to Cite

Üçler İlik, M., Pregl, O., Polakova, N., & Urbanovich, H. (2024). Transformation of Adults as Transformational Learners. Andragogy Adult Education and Social Marketing, 4(4), 1–55.