Set the Scene – A guide for Adult Education Professionals on Using Drama Techniques in Teaching and Learning
fright, drama, theatre techniques, adult educators, fighting the fright, foreign languages, public speakingAbstract
Thesis. The aim of this paper is to present one of the outcomes of the Fight the Fright project. The project itself focuses on the development of adult competencies related to public speaking, self-confidence, combating fear of public speaking and interpersonal communication, using theatre techniques. It focuses on improving the competencies of adults and adult educators.
Concept. Based on their knowledge and experience, the project partners have developed educational materials to support working-age people and strengthen their competencies. It is crucial to train educators so that they can pass on this knowledge to the next person.
Results and conclusions. The project has developed two manuals. The first is a curriculum for developing public speaking in foreign languages. The second manual, below, was developed for adult educators to prepare them to deliver training related to overcoming the fear of public speaking in foreign languages. An online course on the above topics has also been developed. The project also envisages training adult educators, followed by further training for at least 15 participants by already trained educators.
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